There is something that happens during and after chemo treatment. A being enters the room. Some call it the side effects, I call it “the Thing.” The Thing is a round fury animal and has multiple components. It is part of the hair ball family. The same family ejected from the throat of cats. The Thing is not necessary to the journey of chemo but comes anyway, uninvited. I choose to cohabitate, though simultaneously taking defensive steps in keeping it as far from my being as possible. And there are tricks to keeping the ball at bay, otherwise I wouldn’t bother writing about it (who needs more of a downer this time of year). If what I’m writing has a confusing effect upon the reader, know that this is one of the Thing’s more amusing components, labeled: Chemo-Brain. A layer of fog that clouds traditional thought and body mechanics. It makes you say and do weird things. It’s what caused me this morning to put face cream on my toothbrush.
I am on chemo 6- D.7. That’s treatment #6 Day 7 for those of you who didn’t follow my ingenious titling of previous posts. Still the Thing is chasing me around. Yet, as the days go the Thing pushes further out to the horizon, getting smaller and smaller. Almost disappearing in time only to begin again with the next treatment. In my case net Wednesday. For me the mind is a great army of defense. From the first day of treatment on, I imagine the Thing, with all its long hair caught in the air of my intention, moving backward towards the edge of space. The components becoming less severe, more tolerable, acceptable. And it seems to be working.
Components of Thing include:
Neuropathy (a numbness of fingers and toes), cold sensitivity, light/sun sensitivity, nausea, mouth sores, saliva gland cramping (sounds like ‘glam camping,’ but in reality its slightly different), fatigue, insomnia, alien elephant skin, constipation and that other thing that’s opposite of constipation (can someone invent a better word for diarrhea?) I have had them all in varying levels and well, I’m hear to report that that’s just okay. The Thing is nothing to fear.
I’ve found that two foods the Thing likes most are sleepless nights, stress and inactivity. If you remove these three elements from the Thing you will fare better in the days to follow. So while I move through the different physical challenges I remind myself constantly of the mission: To relive and restore. Breath, rest and motion play an integral part to the wellbeing of my life. I can’t repeat enough.
Here’s a breakdown in the ways in which I deal with the hair ball in the hopes that others will add to the conversation or learn simple tricks that have helped me. Again, my experience is unique to my body. But there will be overlaps. If others have experienced different helpful ‘tricks of the trade’ please share in the comments sections. Helping each other is how we survive.
On to the Thing.
Neuropathy. This one can be scary to those of us who read the disclosures in the oncologist office, because the paper says that 5 percent of all cases are years, if not lifelong, lasting. Again, this is a statistic- completely unhelpful to you or I. Ignore if you can and you must. What I do is close my ears and feel what’s happening. I talk to my body constantly. With regards to neuropathy I remind the body that this feeling is temporary and just a trick. There really is no neuron that needs to be permanently damaged from a few months of Platinum dosing. Platinum is precious, right? It’s a shiny card that has a high spending limit. It’s a silver wedding band that withstands far more than the husband wearing it. Platinum is the color “Timberwolf” in the cannon of crayons colors! I have no idea where this is going. Point is, its insane to stack any long term effect against your perfect self.
Practical steps include: L-Glutamine. I go over board a bit, taking two servings of 15grams a day. This is a powder that I add to shakes, juice, water, whatever. Its tasteless and seems to be helping. I decided to start this a week prior to my therapy and I highly suggest to others beginning this journey that you take the powder early with enough time to have it build up in your system. I was told you can’t over do the dosage so I’ve stayed on the 30grams/day. Its also designed to help with digestion and the lining of ones stomach. All good there. In addition: Alpha-Lipoic-Acid (600 mg/day) and Vitamine B6 (50 mg/day. note: I get my B vitamins through my shake so don't over do it with the B6). I’m also careful to touch anything too cold as this can trigger more intensive neuropathy.
Cold sensitivity: Yes, I avoid cold things. Not only to touch but to drink or bathe in. Cold swimming pools might be out for a while. The Thing likes to have fun in the cold, that’s why its fury. For example, if I drink something too cold I have the phantom feeling that my throat is closing. This is not true, nothing’s happening, just a feeling. Its false. Just a trick of the hair ball. After a moment its gone. So remember, the Thing gives you suggestions to believe, yet the reality is such that most of the effects are illusion. That said, I pass on the ice, use a drinking straw for colder drinks and handle the refrigerator with kid gloves. Literally. I have a pair of kid gloves that I use to open and take food out. Its humorous and why not.
Light/sun sensitivity: I choose to breed my inner ‘cool’ with permanent shades over my eyes when I’m in the sun. I also accompany my cool with a silly hat. The sun is strong under the influence of the Thing. I’ve been trying to smother myself in lotions, but I’m the guy-type that shirks from girly lotions. I suggest trying not to be this guy-type, but if you can’t help it like I can’t help it, find other ways to protect yourself. I’ve invented some arm coverings that emulate thermals so you look even more cool (of course the silly hat trumps). What I found are drug store wrappings used for plaster arm casts or injuries. You cut the tubes to size and slip them on. Presto! You have long sleeves under your short sleeves. Why not just wear long sleeves you ask? Well its hot where I am and unless I’m going for a walk or a bike I don’t want to be wearing long sleeves. I keep these tubes in the car or my bag and slip them on whenever I need. Yes, there are fancy types like this you can buy for beaucoup bucks, but mine are cooler and cheaper.
Nausea. Okay okay I hate this one as much as everyone else. The Thing’s most triumphant tool in its arsenal of components. However there are tricks beyond medicine. Yes, lots of medicine I could take but after the third day I wean myself off as the meds wreak havoc with my digestion and toilet training. Instead I wear my sea sickness watch 24/7 on a steady low setting. Of course I have to remember to take it off when showering so sometimes I don’t shower. I also down my holistic pearls (Nux Vomica, Cadmium) whenever I feel the hint of any discomfort. Lastly, I try to keep some food in my tummy at all times. I used to think that having no food would be better, but that was dumb and I don’t have time for dumbness. Eat. Even if it’s a little. Bland food. Get ahead and stay ahead of the nausea. That’s important. I don’t wait for it to be full blown before doing everything I can to reverse that sinking feeling. The oncologist prescribed me a lighter medication just in case and occasionally I have to use it.
Mouth sores. These little buggers can be very inconvenient but again, if you stay ahead of the symptoms you can get rid of them so much faster. I keep my mouth as clean as possible. Brushing after every meal and gargling with salt/baking soda solution. So far so good for me the sores have been manageable and somewhat insignificant. Also, I choose not to eat crusty bread or hard chips- anything that can cut the inside of the mouth. Because the mouth is full of fast dividing cells, its very sensitive to rips and tears. So ingesting smooth food, or taking time to gum a pizza crust to death is smart. Inhaling a handful of Doritos? Not so smart.
Saliva cramps. These are a rarity to most people, but luckily not to me! I have officially been labeled toxic sensitive which I’ve added to my other many labels. Part of this label requires additional weird components from the Thing, cramping being one of them. The cramps happen on the first bite or drink of anything. A pain in the jaw. Solution? I take a large sip of lukewarm water, wait a sec, and then take the smallest of crumbs from what ever I’m eating. I increase crumb size from grain of sand to tiny pebble, and so on, until I pass the cramp threshold. Its much more tolerable this way. Of course it takes time and I look crazy to anyone watching. When someone does happen to watch me, I do the following. I turn in their direction and blankly stare back while gently chewing my pebble crumb (remember, I’m wearing a silly hat). I continue slow and methodical, somewhat maniacal. The person usually finds an excuse to move tables. Of course it helps if you’ve played a serial killer on tv, but not mandatory.
Fatigue. This component takes up a large piece of the pie chart. The simple remedy for this is sleep, a little more sleep and a couple of Tylenol. I’m not a proponent of any pill, but in this case I do reach for the occasional Tylenol to dampen the headaches that come from fatigue. Hydration is also key. 3 liters a day at least! I always forget to drink enough. For me water doesn’t always taste so good. Strangely, it doesn’t feel so good sitting in the tummy. BUT when you add a little natural cranberry syrup or cherry syrup (especially at night as cherry is good for calming the còmo se llama), suddenly water doesn’t taste so bad. And the stomach lets it pass with calm. But remember natural! No refined sugar as sugar only does really, really bad things. Really.
Insomnia. Lots of discussion on the internet about this component, but what I find most useful is adjusting my general attitude. This applies to the other 23 hours as well, but now I’m talking about the 3 am hour. When I wake up at 3 am and the hairy ball is looking down on me, I simply say thank you. This completely confuses the Thing. It puffs up even larger and then we usually have a stare-off for ten or so minutes. When I say thank you I mean it. Having time in the night to reconnect to my healing can be a blessing if I choose to look at it that way. Its usually in these moments I can push the Thing further from my body. The dark fur blends with the dark room. It begins to disappear and I start to relax, sometimes I even sleep. If sleeplessness persists I don’t get up, I don’t turn on the light- I just lie there tuning into my body. Allowing the body to take over and ride the flow. There is feeling of general wellness that anyone can manifest. Usually this comes in moments of meditation where you just have the feeling of love and wellness fill up all the appendages and organs of the body. I try and channel this floating feeling as I lie there. I believe it’s a kind of spiritual energy that does far more good than binge watching Game of Thrones. And if none of this works and the Thing refuses to let me go and I’ve tried everything to spiritually derail the Thing, then of course I binge watch Game of Thrones. Okay, not really. Not yet.
Alien elephant skin. Well this is what my arms can look like occasionally. There really is nothing to do other than hydrate, scrub and smear loads of girly cream all over the wallpaper. The wallpaper that covers my arms I mean. I don’t have any other way to describe the texture of what my arms can looks like. Sort of a modernist take on the paisley pattern. I’ve listed some creams on the stuff page. Or will. Or will I? In addition there’s something called the “loufer.” Here’s why its important. Skin is your body’s overcoat some say. Its actually your largest organ covering somewhere between 20 and 24 square feet of surface, about the size of my bed. That organ keeps germs out, lets minerals and vitamins in, manufactures antibiotics- its an amazing invention. As its one of the fast-dividing-cell-parts of the body, it gets vandalized by the Thing. Flakey old skin needs to be removed so the new can breathe. A loufer and good soap keep are a very good thing. Of course that means taking showers. I know!
Constipation and that other thing that’s opposite of constipation. To have or have not. To be or not to be. To begin or end. Our lives are full of yins and yangs and chemo puts my stomach and GI tract into the thralls of what’s extreme. The chemo drugs loosen everything up, yet the anti nausea medication counters with exactly the opposite. There is no telling what consistency my bowel ‘experience’ will be at any time of the day. It’s a constant monitoring and control using laxatives, stool softeners, hardeners, creams and gels. Stick to the BRAT diet if you need more on foods that are binding (Bananas, Rice, Apple sauce and Toast) Not much about chemo is appropriate for the dining table, so if you’re reading while eating stop eating.
My stomach gets decimated during treatment. The lining has to rebuild itself in the five or so days following. The digestion tract is also relieved of all the good bacteria fighters that help me keep moving. So its imperative to replace the probiotics any way I can. Yogurt, pills, liquid, etc. It’s probiotics, water and patience. The kicker is just as I’m about to get some regularity its time for the next treatment. And that just falls into the ‘oh well’ category. Such is life. My general routine is to take two senekot laxatives at night plus two magnesium plus a load of water. I then manage along, taking a mental note of all my bathroom activity. And speaking of bathrooms- I’m constantly chanting to myself patience. Rushing the can, can prove disastrous. What will be will be and time will come when time is right. Patience. Easier said than done, I know. And for full disclosure… There are some natural gels and creams that protect skin from tearing. My advice is to protect yourself by adding these creams and gels to the skin around your hiney. If this is TMI then stop reading, but for those of us going through the Thing we need all the help we can get and spreading a little gel on your butt is one small step for man and one giant leap for chemo kind. I hope no one will need any of this, but if there’s one out there that does then please take the advice. Wow, that’s a lot about the crapper. Thank you Thing.
So if this isn’t enough uncomfortable dealings with the Thing, take a hammer and cover it in fur, then smack your noggin once or twice for effect. Done. The best I can do for myself is continue encouraging my mind to lift the soul into a feeling of well being. I’m convinced this well being sends the right healers throughout my body to rid myself of the toxic illusions and effects. This being written I have to add that acupuncture is an amazing alternative therapy to kicking the Thing out. Its helped me deal with almost all of the above. Rest, meditation, little food throughout the day, laughter and love of one’s body, self and others. That’s what I’m aiming for because (and this is a fact) eventually- no matter what- the Thing disappears, just like that.