
Here are some basic facts as I see them with no particular order.  It's assumed that all begin with "in my opinion..."  More to follow.  Or perhaps not.  

Fact #1: As far as cancer goes, you the patient are your only advocate.  No one else, no doctor, no loved one, no therapist is going to do it for you.  You have to take control and lead your body back to health yourself.  Playing the victim unfortunately gets us nowhere.  I've tried.  Not to say there isn't plenty of help and community along the way but… 

Fact #2: … cancer is a solitary experience no matter how many people surround you.  You can describe as much as you can but no one is living it like you are. Conversely the caretaker's experience is just as isolating, challenging and unique.  No one knows what its like until it happens to them.  Sounds obvious but I have to remind myself all the time. 

Fact #3:  Every body is different, you are (yes here's that word again) unique and the effects and treatment of your disease will effect you like no one else.  Stay away from statistics.    

Fact #4  The only way to end your disease and heal yourself in the process is to embrace the general philosophy of Integrative medicine.  I'm not suggesting you race out and sign up with an integrative practitioner, but at least explore the philosophy.  Traditional medicine treats the disease not the person.  Its only concern is with evidence based medicine (statistics).  Their way is with averages not individuals.  The person disappears. If you want total health, you're going to have to do much more than taking pills, cutting flesh or dripping poison.  White-coats are only part of the cure.  Life changes in nutrition, lifestyle, supplementation and spiritual connection are equally important.  For some ignorant reason I believed my medical team (who I love) would know about healing the whole person.  Yes they could remove the tumor and try to kill the rogue cells but it doesn't stop there.  The health of the individual is really not the doctor's job.  It's your job.  My job.  The cancer game requires full attention on so many levels.  The trick is not to make it daunting.  A little a little of the time.      



Not that you have to incorporate all slices immediately.  First you have to see what works for you.  But slowly add a little of as many colors as you can until you feel more balanced, more positive.  The feeling of health is the proof that something's working.  The mind is connected to body.  We are incredible machines! 

Fact 5:  I'm going to borrow from Dr. Schultz's book 20 Powerful Steps to a Healthier Life.  I've backed up most but not all of his statistics.  Regardless the Average American diet blows me away. We are currently on average consuming upwards of 2700 calories/day.  This is a dramatic rise from 2000/day in the 90s. In addition our aerobic activity is on the decrease.  The average american simply consumes more than it needs.  

The average american eats a low nutrition, high fat/sugar/ food program.  A diet in over processed, nutritionally depleted food.  They consume 300 soft drinks, 170 pounds of refined white sugar, 400 candy bars and 500 doughnuts in a year.  

The average american will eat over 12 entire 3,000 pound cows, six whole pigs, 3000 chickens, another 3000 assorted fish, 30,000 quarts of milk.

The average american will have an average of two to four bowel movements a week!  That's 70,000 bowel movements short in their lifetime.  They will average 25 pounds over weight. They will take 30,000 aspirin and assorted pain killers along with 20,000 over the counter and prescriptions.  They will drink over 2,000 gallons of alcohol.

Well, I'm not the average american.  And because of that, here's where the problem comes in...  

Fact 6:  …Western medicine treat and prescribe based on averages.  But what happens when you live an above average lifestyle?  What if you don't eat so much meat, don't drink any dairy, hate soft drinks and candy bars, eat minuscule amounts of cheese, exercise every day, weigh 5 pounds under average, never take pills, have two bowel movements a day, and eat only 100 doughnuts a year (I love doughnuts). Martinis and Guinness don't count btw.  Anyway, you get the point.  

The dosages for treatments in the cancer world are based on the statistics of the average american.  This makes absolutely no sense to someone like me.  In fact it makes no sense for anyone! Conclusion?  If you or a loved one is going through treatment and struggling with heavy side effects, think about your relationship to the average american.  Do you resemble those stats?  If so maybe you need to stay the course.  If you don't perhaps you need to scale down the dose.  I did.  My oncologist and I discussed and determined that a reduction in the platinum was sufficient to do its job without killing the host. The side effects got a little more manageable. Still its all a crap game.  And thats shocking and somehow reassuring.  There are no obie wan's other than that little voice called intuition inside you- the force.  Perhaps the point of star wars.  Was that one of the points? I digress.   

Fact 7: Laughter.  There are some alternative cancer clinics which start every day with laughter.  They either have jokes or see silly movies, etc.  I believe in it.  Have friends send you funny videos.  Watch them. Laugh.  Laughter actually is a medicine.  Every night I try and watch something funny.  Tonight is Life of Brian.   

Below aren't belly laughs, but here are some New Yorker cartoons that felt familiar to me.  The dog especially.